Dear Pilots,
The Software Update for the FlyMate 2020 Edition is now ready for download (free of charge):
Have a look at the manual… we will also make a video shortly for better understanding. If you have the FLYMATE PRO Jeti Edition you get also the latest Vario upgrade for best Vario performance using a Jeti Radio.
Important to know: Works now on Albatross (FlyMate Edition) which is required to race on any GPS EuroCup from 2020 onwards… but is also still working on Skynavigator if you like to keep using it.
The App Albatross FlyMate Edition must be purchased at RC-Electronics.
Please note, there will be more Voice Output coming on the Albatross Flymate Edition shortly… Andrej from RC-Electronics is working on it and it will be ready by middle of April 2020.
So you can purchase the App already now and just refresh it in the middle of April for free to get all the Voice Output which is needed.