Dear GPS-Triangle Pilots, We would like to take this time to make a statement regarding the latest rule changes and to respond to some of the very emotional comments we received. Since there is no speed task flown 1:3-class anymore, it has been noticed that the differences in the two scale classes have almost disappeared. The performances in both classes are almost identical and outstanding performances of certain model types are not significantly recognizable. The biggest influences, apart from the skills of the pilots, are obviously the respective launch-times within the start time window and the „luck of the draw“…
Autor: webmaster
11th-18th August 2023 Here some first INFOS for all the Pilots….save the Date Registration will open 1 Feb 2023!! First Bulletin end Feb 2023 Program: Arrival: from Wednesday, 9th of August 2022 Free flying will be possible on Wednesday and Thursday Opening Ceremony: Thursday, 10rd of August 6pm, Opening Ceremony and Dinner for the 6th GPS triangle WM Scale / SLS class World Championship Scale: Friday, 11th of August 9am till Tuesday the 15th of August 12am Price giving ceremony for Scale on Tuesday the 15th of August in the evening World Championship SLS Tuesday the 15th of August afternoon…
Lightclass: Philip Kolb (GER) Benjamin Dähn (GER) Tjakko Weber (NED) Sportclass: Philip Kolb (GER) Jens Geider (GER) Hans-Peter Bell (GER) Scaleclass: Holger Genkinger (GER) Andreas Kunz (GER) Daniel Aeberli (SUI) Congratulaions to all Winners and Participants. See you all in 2023! For further information also look at:
After two years of “Corona-break”, GPS-Triangle Pilots from all over Europe (and even from other parts of the world) finally could meet again to compete on the flying sites! This year was actually the first year for the new Lightclass to be flown in the CONTEST-Eurotour. Please download full season report of Philip Kolb here: GPS Triangle Report 2022
Der Modelarsko društvo Ventus in Vipava hat die erstmals stattfindende Europameisterschaft in der Scale Klasse ausgerichtet. Teilgenommen haben 17 Piloten aus 5 Nationen. In 9 Durchgängen mit 3 heats je Durchgang wurde der Europameister ermittelt. Gewonnen hat Holger Genkinger vor Daniel Aeberli und Andreas Kunz.