Two great Training days at Neresheim are already History… Light Class, Sport Class, Scale Class and some SSL Gliders, all going around the tracks at the same time show the spirit of our amazing GPS Racing Class.
Thanks you Florian Schambeck…. Andreas Kunz…. Andrej from RC Electronics and Claus from FlyMate to join the flying, technical workshops and training laps.
The Albatross app is running smoothly on all systems now and shortly there will be a link posted here on the FB to get all your system updates.
If you Like you can already Purchase NOW from RC-Electronics the Albatross APP for Raven/Snipe/Sparrow/Finch, T3000 and FlyMate.
Get Ready…. Vipava Racing already starts in 17 days from now!
Special Thanks to the TEAM from the Glider Club Neresheim for the Hosting us.
Your GPS Triangle Team