We are happy to announce that in a short time there will be an additional class added to GPS-Triangle soaring: „The Light Class“.
The rules will be close to the rulesets of the existing classes (Scale / Sport), but consider different aircraft like F5J and electric F3J-planes. Because of the number of these kind of planes currently being flown by so many pilots all around the world, we see huge potential in combining GPS-Triangle soaring and these airplanes. Thereby a large number of interested pilots will be able to experience the joy of GPS-Triangle soaring.
This class will of course need a special set of rules for handling these different aircraft. Therefor an adapted course-length will be used as well as different regulations for the aircraft itself. The administrative rules for organizing and conducting competitions however will remain almost identical to the existing rulesets.
Momentary we are working on a first draft of the rules, which shall be provisional for at least up to 2021 for making first try-outs and experiences. The rules for the light class will be published shortly under www.gps-triangle.net.
- task length 200m
- max entry altitude 200m
- max entry speed 60km/h
- min speed for crossing finish line is 10km/h
- max altitude always 350m
- Altitude limitation for this class! If the plane is above this altitude, flight is scored as 0
- no landing points
- working time 20min
- no speed round only thermal rounds
- maximum wind speed at contests: 10m/s
- wingspan: 2700mm – 4000mm
- max surface loading: 30g/dm2 (determined by projected area of wing and horizontal tailplane)
- max take-off weight: 3kg