During the wintertime the board of GPS triangle and it’s working groups have revised the rules of GPS Triangle.
From 2019 on the main changes of the rules are as following:
- Wind direction and maximum wind speed is defined for start- and flight window
- Proposals for future rule changes must be forwarded to the board no later than 01st of October each year; rule changes for the upcoming season will be implemented no later than 01st of February each year.
- Alcohol at a level of 0,0 pro mill and anti-doping
- Landing rules and penalty points for landing
- Thermalling rules (circling direction etc.) and avoiding of collisions
- Number of pilots per group limited to 12
- Revision of the technical specifications
- Speed round in groups now possible
GPS Triangle Regulations – Scale/SLS – V9.6 – german
GPS Triangle Regulations – Sport – V1.4 – german
We are asking all pilots to make themselves familiar with the revised and new rules. The English Version of the new rules is in the process of being translated and will be published soon.
The following systems are allowed for the season 2019
- Skynavigator App
- Albatross App
- Fly-Mate with Skynavigator
- T-3000
- T-3000 (V2.2) Skynavigator App
- Raven & Snipe with Albatross App
- Raven & Snipe with Skynavigator App