8 Events crowned 6 different Winners! 2 Victories each for Florian Schambeck and Holger Genkinger flying the 1:2,6 Quintus. ONE Victory for Tjakko Weber AN 66… ONE for Manfred Ruhmer flying H-Model Arcus… ONE for Daniel Aeberli flying ASW17S and ONE for Philip Kolb flying the AN66.
At the end with a truly amazing overall performance over the full season we celebrate the winner of the winners Philip Kolb.
Here are the top 10:
- Philip Kolb AN 66/Fineworks
- Florian Schambeck Quintus/Schambeck
- Holger Genkinger Quintus/Schambeck
- Daniel Aeberli ASW17S/ChocoFly
- Andreas Kunz ASW 22/ Baudis
- Manfred Ruhmer Arcus/Hmodel
- Josef Mögn Quintus/Schambeck
- Georg Thanner Quintus/Schambeck
- Jürgen Hofstetter ASW 22/ Baudi
- Tjakko Weber AN 66/Schambeck