3rd Edition of the ChocoFly Racing Cup took place at Ricketwil/MG-Winterthur this Saturday. 14 Pilots out of 3 Nations did fly a total of 5 heats inclusive one speed task. Even Jiří Baudis took the long way from Czech to see his beautiful DNA-gliders race. The stunning weather with great thermals made us fly up to 15 laps and the spectators saw head to head following gliders racing at maximum speed around the triangle.
Four different sport class planes where used: the already mentioned DNA Racer, Attacko 4.25, Vortex and the Elvira.
Best flight of the day from Georg Thanner and Holger Genkinger with 15 laps both. Best speed flight of the day also by Georg Thanner with 138.37km/h.
Final result after 5 heats:
- Daniel Aeberli (DNA Racer Baudis/ChocoFly)
- Georg Thanner (DNA Racer Baudis/ChocoFly)
- Christoph Mächler (DNA Racer Baudis/ChocoFly)
That was the 3rd stop of the GPS Sport Class EuroCup tour this year and we will continue in Berlin for the next Race Thanks a lot to all the helpers from the MG-Winterthur and the ChocoFly Crew for organizing this nice event.