For the second time in a row the model flying club of Silkeborg in Denmark invited the members of Contest Eurotour GPS-Triangle to Denmark. Having thought that a 1.000KM drive would end in a non-thermal, boring and “just flying-four-laps-per-round”-event was wrong. But let’s report on it bit by bit:
We decided not to drive up to Denmark but to take the plane from Munich to Aarhus instead. The Aarhus airport is a tiny little ex-military airport in the middle of the green landscape a short one-hour-drive away from the competition airfield near Silkeborg.
Sadly we needed to figure out that our AN-66 boxes could not get on the plane, as the Canadair Jets are too small to take bulky luggage. Luckily we found an easy solution; Daniel Aeberli and Niko Genkinger were driving with their Sprinter Van and were kind enough to take the models as well as the equipment with them – and back. So – after a 1 ½ hour flight on Friday afternoon to and another one hour drive to the airfield, we were extremely friendly welcomed. We found a perfectly prepared runway and landing area as well as perfect infrastructure all over. Four very well equipped tow planes, of which two of them were coming from Switzerland. Thanks to Adi from Switzerland, who decided on a short notice to drive from Zurich to Silkeborg in order to support the local towing team.
The competition started on time Saturday morning, when we recognized that flying in Denmark is very challenging. We have learned to catch the thermals from 50m until over 600m – at climbrates from nearly nothing to up to 3m/s. We also had to recognize that severe sink pushed the pilots to stay high and fly with moderate speed.
With these very cycling conditions the results were varying extremely. While pilots in one group just barely managed to get around the course twice, the pilots in the next group could score 9 or 10 laps! Interesting though was, that especially in the morning we managed to stay airborne and work the course for the entire 30-minute working time.
The competition director Heinrich was very pleased to apply the new landing rules as local rules. Landing took place on a runway of 130m x 30m. Like at the competition in Hofhegnenberg pilots stated that the landings were easier and safer.
The same was the case for the new flight rules of conduct. Since three competitions in a row now, pilots turn in the same direction and avoid optical crossings. These rules not only generate more safety in the air but also less noise and “screaming” on the ground and thereby a much more concentrated work-atmosphere for the pilots!
After very exciting and eventful racing the proud winners of this years’ “GPS-Triangle-Viking-Race” are:
SCALE class:
- Florian Schambeck (AN-66), Coach Urs Affolter
- Daniel Aeberli (ASW-17 Chocofly), Coach Niko Genkinger
- Josef Mögn (Arcus Race Schambeck), Coach Gerhard Köberlein
SLS class:
- Daniel Aeberli (ASW-17 Chocofly), Coach Niko Genkinger
- Manfred Ruhmer (Arcus 6,66 H-Model), Coach Thomas Ruhmer
- Florian Schambeck (AN-66), Coach Urs Affolter
We would like to emphasize that the model flying club of Silkeborg organized an outstanding, high quality competition. The contest-director, as well as the evaluator of the results, were perfectly prepared. The club members organized an outstanding infrastructure and full board from breakfast over lunch to an evening banquet and not to forget a great tent party afterwards in order to escape from the mosquitos.
Thank you very much, Silkeborg, we will be back next year.